Turning Passion into a Product The Development of Canon Medical Systems' Dynamic Device Stabilizer

Canon Dynamic Device Stabilizer (DDS) provides interventional cardiologists with a better view of devices during PCI procedures, eliminating the impact of cardiac motion on imaging and enhancing stent visibility.
It can be used not only for digital acquisition, but for fluoroscopy as well for a smoother workflow and to allow you to see enhanced images for clinical decision- making while reducing radiation exposure.
VISIONS Special explored the development story of DDS with the inventors of the innovation.
At the award ceremony venue of Japan's Institute of Invention and Innovation From left: President Takiguchi, Dr. Sakaguchi, Dr. Nambu (former employee), Mr. Takemoto
DDS was invented by Canon Medical Systems' Dr. Takuya Sakaguchi (Healthcare IT Division, and Research & Development Center) and Mr. Hisato Takemoto (Vascular Systems Marketing and Promotion Department). Currently available as a commercial product, DDS was refined and tested through an extensive development process that took over 10 years. Now it utilizes Deep Learning to automatically detect balloon markers in real-time and magnify and stabilize images on a separate screen to assist stent visualization and assessment during PCI procedures. In 2023, it received the Prize of the Chairman of the Japan Institute of Invention and Innovation at the National Commendation for Invention.
At the award ceremony venue of Japan's Institute of Invention and Innovation From left: President Takiguchi, Dr. Sakaguchi, Dr. Nambu (former employee), Mr. Takemoto

Addressing an important need

Ischemic heart disease accounts for approximately 20% of deaths worldwide. The main medical intervention is endovascular treatment, through which, narrowed heart vessels are opened from within. Endovascular treatments place less burden on the patient, but require a high level of skill to perform. Devices must be placed at the treatment site - a beating heart - with absolute accuracy.

With DDS, X-ray images of the area subject to treatment are acquired continuously. Devices that also move with the heart, are detected in each image. Motion correction is applied, so that the devices appear in the same position in each image. Enlarged and enhanced dynamic images are immediately displayed. In other words, devices that would normally keep moving along with the heart appear stationary in the real-time fluoroscopy image viewed by the physician. This improves the visibility of devices and is expected to improve placement accuracy.


During his training in 2003, Dr. Sakaguchi saw that physicians often had difficulty recognizing the narrowed parts of vessels clearly in X-ray images. "Initially, I presented an idea to physicians that focused on the narrowed stenosis, but their response was not overly positive, so I gave up the idea at that time," he said. "In 2008, after sitting on the idea for four or five years, a new colleague, Mr. Takemoto, and I, tried changing the target to a stent marker. This idea was well-received by physicians, so we took on the challenge of applying for a patent."
Dr. Sakaguchi (left) and Mr. Takemoto (right) spoke about their passion
Dr. Sakaguchi's notebooks
"Looking back at my notebooks from that time, I had generated 20 to 30 ideas. This was one of them," he recalled. "About 80% of the ideas to provide clear image were related to improving image quality, but this one represented a completely different approach to the problem. By considering the user's fundamental needs, the medical professionals, I could come up with the solution of stopping the movement of what they want to recognize (the stent) in real-time."
Dr. Sakaguchi's notebooks

“By considering the user's fundamental needs, the medical professionals, I could come up with the solution of stopping the movement of what they want to see (the stent) in real-time.”

Dr. Takuya Sakaguchi
Healthcare IT Division

Invented following close observation of clinical practice

Mr. Takemoto has worked alongside Dr. Sakaguchi since 2008. They collect clinical data from the sites visited and bring it back to the office to process, improving the technology and brushing up their ideas.

“Mr. Takemoto comes up with ideas that I would never think of,” remarked Dr. Sakaguchi. “I don't think that this patent would have been completed if it were just me working on it.”

“I often come up with ideas when I am actually observing clinical practice. I try to pay close attention to situations in which the physician is having difficulty or where the physician and technician aren't communicating well and the procedure is not going smoothly. These are the moments in which I think that there might be something we can do to make treatment easier,” said Mr. Takemoto. “It is difficult to really grasp what physicians are facing by just listening to explanations or looking at information that we receive from somebody. Even if you listen to the words of a physician describing their needs or concerns, it is difficult to understand the real intentions of those words.”

“By actually wearing a surgical gown, washing your hands, and entering the cath lab to stand next to the physician, you can finally understand their point of view,” added Dr. Sakaguchi. “Once the procedure begins, you will witness bleeding and falling heart rates. By watching how staff react to these events, you can think about how our systems should operate to be the most useful.”

Mr. Takemoto thinks that a lot can be learned about clinical practice from academic conferences streamed online, but emphasized that onsite visits are fundamental.

“With video, you can see the physician's hands, or you can view fluoroscopic images with added audio, but there's a lot more going on at actual clinical sites,” he said. “I think there is a big difference in the amount of information that can be obtained onsite versus online. With video, you can't feel the tension in the room, or see the movement or signs of distress of staff who aren't visible on the screen.”

Registering a patent

Once the development team assimilated their ideas, the next step was to apply for a patent. Patents create the shape of the future. To ensure they are successful, demand, passion, and quantity, are all essential.

“There are two things that I think are necessary for invention,” said Mr. Takemoto. “The first is that there is a real clinical need for the idea, physicians and technicians must really want it. The second is that you, as an engineer, have the passion to turn that idea into a product. Even if a patent is not immediately of practical use, it may become useful in the future.”

“I always say that quantity is much more important than quality regarding patents. If you don't produce quantity, the quality won't improve. So, for the first 10 years, I think that producing quantity is more important,” remarked Dr. Sakaguchi. “As Mr. Takemoto says, patents don't apply to the present, but rather, they apply to 10 years in the future. Even if a great engineer comes up with 100 patents, it is still difficult to know if the inventions will be successful or not in the future. Only after 10 years have passed and times have changed will we start to understand.”

“Of course, it's important for young engineers to be able to work quickly and efficiently, but on the other hand, new things are happening daily at sites and clinicians are facing new challenges. I want young engineers to not only be satisfied with completing the tasks at hand but to go further and look closely at what is happening in clinical practice so that they can figure out what to tackle next,” he added.

Bringing the idea to market

While Dr. Sakaguchi and Mr. Takemoto initiated the development of DDS, a development team was appointed to create the commercial product. Several other staff have been instrumental in the story of DDS.

Mr. Shiraishi worked on creating a DDS simulator and verifying a success rate that would allow for commercialization. He was also involved in investigating how to create DDS images and how to process them. Mr. Watanabe was appointed Project Leader for DDS Development in 2014 when the technology was proven, and it was time to bring it to market. Ms. Takaya and Mr. Yamaguchi were not involved in the initial commercialization of DDS but started working on it after 2020. They were mainly involved in improving marker detection performance and fixed display of devices.
From left: Dr. Takuya Sakaguchi, Ms. Mika Takaya, Mr. Takahiro Yamaguchi, Mr. Kunio Shiraishi, Mr. Hisato Takemoto Mr. Yuichiro Watanabe (top left) was unable to attend the interview, so we interviewed him at a later date
“When I first saw the DDS technology, I thought that it was a good to have but a difficult technology to implement,” said Mr. Shiraishi. “I was amazed by how well the algorithms and processing methods were devised. I felt we should do our best to bring it to market as soon as possible.”

“I thought that the concept idea itself was very interesting. I first saw an image of a moving heart during a live demonstration at an academic conference that I attended,” said Mr. Watanabe. “Dr. Sakaguchi was watching the live demonstration with me, and I remember him commenting: "It's hard to see moving images, I think it would be easier for the physician to see if we could stabilizethe image." I remember being surprised because stabilizing the image was such a unique solution to the problem.”

“The concept itself is very simple, it just involves finding something specific in an image. However, since there are many structures in the body that appear similar to the markers, it is really difficult to identify the two correct markers in a noisy image,” added Mr. Yamaguchi.

“I was amazed by how well the algorithms and processing methods were devised. I felt we should do our best to bring it to market as soon as possible.”

Mr. Kunio Shiraishi
Vascular Systems Development Department

Development challenges

The DDS development team met a few hurdles in bringing DDS to market, which they overcame.

“Marker visibility depends on various factors such as the way X-ray is applied, the C-arm angle, and reflections of bones,” explained Mr. Watanabe. “The difficult thing about DDS is that it has to accurately detect markers in realtime in a variety of conditions.”

“To be usable in clinical practice as a real-time display, the time from image generation to marker detection must be a matter of milliseconds, but that is not possible at the basic research stage. At the commercialization stage, we must get to the several-millisecond range but also must balance the tradeoff between performance and speed,” he added.

“With the heart, you don't always find what you're looking for in the middle of the monitor,” said Mr. Shiraishi. “What you need is for the physician to realign it on-site, but they often don't have time for that.”

“When it comes to commercialization, another difficult thing is that even if the technology is amazing, if it is difficult to use, or if the processing is too slow to keep up with medical procedures, the product will fail,” said Mr. Yamaguchi.

“If you have experienced the tension of an operating room, you will know that you can't ask a physician to ‘just click here once’,” explained Ms. Takaya. “If you create a product without this knowledge, it likely won't be accepted by physicians.”

Supporting physicians

Ms. Takaya explained some of the feedback.
“Because stents are difficult to see in normal fluoroscopic images or digital acquisition images, users want to use this software to confirm stent position,” she said. “I have received many comments such as "I want to use this software because of those times that I can't see the stent properly."”

“The way that angiography systems are used differs depending on the facility and the physician, even if the procedure is the same. Similarly, DDS is used in variousways, with some physicians only using it during digital acquisition, and others also using it during fluoroscopy,” she said.
Dr. Sakaguchi comments, “As the population of Japan is aging, the demographic of medical staff is aging as well. If you show the same image to a physician in their 20s and a physician in their 60s, they will see the image differently because of retina sensitivity due to age. Although we are currently discussing imaging and image processing, it's time to start thinking about whether we can change the way images are presented depending on the individual person viewing them and their environment. We are nearing the end of the era in which we show things moving in 3D as 2D images, so I think there is still room for improvement for this technology.”

“Just as each person has different apps installed on their smartphone and uses it in a different way, different physicians use our products in different ways,” emphasized Mr. Takemoto. “As far as possible, we must focus on the areas that are commonly used by everyone.”
Scene of the roundtable discussion
Find out more about DDS here:
Press release of the award winning at Japan’s Institute of Invention and Innovation

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