International Imaging Forum 2024

AI – The MRI Perspective

Dr. Valentin H. Prevost - Canon Medical Systems Corporation

Dr. Prevost is a clinical scientist at Canon Medical Systems. After obtaining his PhD from Aix-Marseille University in Marseille, France, Dr. Prevost completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Canon's MRI Research Centre in Vancouver, British Columbia in 2019.

As an expert in neuro-imaging, he has published numerous papers relating to the use of magnetic imaging resonance. His most recent publications include “Advanced MRI biomarkers of the injured spinal cord - a comparative study of imaging and histology in human traumatic SCI”, “Quantitative MRI Biomarkers Measure Changes in Targeted Brain Areas in Patients with Obesity”, and “Deep learning-based noise reduction preserves quantitative MRI biomarkers in patients with brain tumors”./div>

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