International Imaging Symposium 2019
The Use of High-Def Technology
Dr. Adnan Siddiqui - University at Buffalo, USA

Dr. Adnan Siddiqui is Vice-Chairman and Professor of Neurosurgery at the State University of New York at Buffalo. He joined UBNS in January 2007. Dr. Siddiqui completed fellowship training in Interventional Neuroradiology, Cerebrovascular Surgery and Neurocritical Care from Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia. He completed his Neurosurgical residency at Upstate Medical University and received his PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Rochester and Medical Degree from Aga Khan University, Pakistan. Though Dr. Siddiqui is well trained in all general neurosurgical procedures, including brain tumor, spine and peripheral nerve surgery, because of specialized training, he has gravitated toward vascular diseases involving the brain and spinal cord. Dr. Siddiqui has special interest and expertise in the performance of complementary microsurgical, radiosurgical and endovascular techniques for the comprehensive management of cerebrovascular conditions. This spectrum of disease includes aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations, as well as dural, cavernous and spinal fistulae. He has special interests in acute stroke management with intra-arterial thrombolysis, as well as, endovascular and microsurgical management of extra- cranial and intracranial vascular occlusive disease.