International Imaging Symposium 2017
Role of Multiparametric MRI in Diagnostic-Approach to Prostate Cancer
Dr. Tahir Durmus - Radiologie.Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Dr. Tahir Durmus is a Radiology Specialist at the Radiologie.Berlin, a private radiology institute in Germany. He formerly served as Consultant Radiologist and Clinical Scientist at the Charité Berlin, Department of Radiology. He attained the Habilitation (Postdoctoral Lecturer Qualification for Radiology) from Charité Berlin with key clinical focus on Multiparametric MRI in detection and image-guided biopsy of Prostate Cancer. He received his Board certification in Radiology from the Facharzt für Radiologie, Germany. He completed his residency program at the Charité Berlin under the supervision of Dr. Hamm. He has authored over 40 peer reviewed scientific papers and delivered over 80 abstracts and presentations at national and international scientific conferences. He has also conducted lectures on General Radiology during his medical studies at the Charité Berlin which included Head & Neck Imaging, Conventional and CT Chest Imaging, Abdominal CT, MSK and Urogenital MRI. His key clinical interests include Functional MRI, Prostate Cancer, MRI Contrast, MRI Breast Imaging and Myocardial Viability in MRI. Dr. Durmus has recently won the first prize at the North European Radiology Congress of Acta Radiologica for Prostate ADC-Paper in January 2017.