2015 International CT Symposium
4D MSK Imaging - Movement Analysis and SEMAR
Professor Alain Blum – C.H.U. Central Hospital, Nancy, France

Professor Blum is Chief of the MSK, Emergency and Neck Radiology Departments at Service d'Imagerie Guilloz, CHU Nancy since 2004. He served as a Visiting Professor at the Joint Department of Medical Imaging (University Health Network, Toronto) from August 2010 to September 2010. He has been Professor (PUPH) of radiology since 1995 (Section CNU: 43 02). His Post-doctoral education includes: DEA d'imagerie médicale ; mémoire : Etude volumique du cartilage rotulien à partir d'acquisitions IRM (URA CNRS 1288): 1992 Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches: 1994; with Residency, fellowship and associate Professorship at University Hospital of Nancy: 1986-1995, Professor Blum has been recognized with the following honourary distinctions: Prix Fishgold (SFR): 1997, Prix Guerbet (SFR): 1991, 1er prix de de l'Association pour l'étude et la recherche en radiologie (A.P.E.R.R): 1991, Lauréat de la fondation BOURIEZ : 1991, Lauréat de l'Académie Nationale de Médecine (Prix Jansen) : 1991, Bourse Kodak (Prix Georges Haret) : 1991.