2014 International CT Symposium Webinars

The Focus of the Physicist

Dr. Cupido Daniels – Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, Canada

Dr. Cupido Daniels is a Professor of Radiology at Dalhousie University, and recently retired as the Chief Medical Physicist for the Capital District Health Authority. Dr. Daniels specializes in Diagnostic Medical Physics and is active in educational research, and teaching diagnostic imaging and MRI physics. Dr. Daniels is an active consultant to governments and diagnostic imaging departments on all aspects of procurement, acceptance and establishing quality initiatives. He is president of Atlantic Medical Physics Services, Inc. He started his career as an x-ray technologist in his native South Africa, and holds post-graduate degrees in Higher Education, Health Services, Medical Physics, and Physics. His educational awards include: Highest award for the RSNA Web-based Educational Grant program, Summa Cum Laude exhibit award from the American Society of Neuoradiology, and Radiology Excellence in Teaching Award and finalist for the Dalhousie University Professor of the Year award.

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