2013 International CT Symposium Webinars
Presentations -The Impact of Dose Reduction in CT Scanning
Dr. Russell Bull - Royal Bournemouth Hospital, UK
Dr. Russell Bull was appointed as a consultant radiologist at Bournemouth in 2000. Bournemouth had the first UK Toshiba Aquilion multislice CT installed in 2001 and has been the main UK reference site for Toshiba ever since. The Royal Bournemouth Hospital was the first hospital in the UK to install the Aquilion One single rotation, single heart-beat cardiac CT scanner in May 2009. An 128 slice Aquilion CxL was installed at Bournemouth in 2012, also incorporating AIDR 3D technology. Dr Bull initially worked as a general cross sectional radiologist and started a cardiac CT service at Bournemouth in 2004 using a Toshiba Aquilion 16. For the last 4 years he has worked almost exclusively as a cardiothoracic radiologist with his time split between cardiac CT and MRI. His interests include the promotion of CT as a low-dose technique and increasing efficiency within radiology departments by optimizing technology and workflows.
Keynote Highlights
Integration of dose reduction technologies for optimal dose management.
Consultant radiologist at Royal Bournemouth Hospital, Dr. Russell Bull presents "The Impact of Dose Reduction in CT Scanning".
Consultant radiologist at Royal Bournemouth Hospital Dr. Russell Bull said "The Aquilion One Cardiac CT has really changed our practice. The Aquilion One offers the benefit of single beat, single rotation, one single block of data with no step artifacts at very low radiation dose, and very high spatial resolutions (320 x 0.5mm detectors). The Aquilion One works in all heart rhythms, including Atrial Fibrillation. The reduction in radiation dose, reduced scan times, increased patient throughput and image quality has enabled a huge expansion in our service."
"It has revolutionized what we do – with the Aquilion One, the most difficult CT examination becomes the easiest – and always at very low radiation doses. With these kind of doses, image quality and throughput, I believe cardiac CT will become routine in the emergency room for evaluation of acute chest pain. AIDR 3D is a really big game changer - the biggest drawback of CT which is dose, is not an issue anymore. Very low radiation doses on 'standard' as well as 'high end' scanners is the biggest change in CT since multislice."