2013 International CT Symposium Webinars
Presentations - MSK Imaging
Professor Alain Blum - C.H.U. Central Hospital, Nancy, France

Professor Blum is Chief of the MSK, Emergency and Neck Radiology Departments at Service d'Imagerie Guilloz, CHU Nancy since 2004. He served as a Visiting Professor at the Joint Department of Medical Imaging (University Health Network, Toronto) from August 2010 to September 2010. He has been Professor (PUPH) of radiology since 1995 (Section CNU: 43 02) His Post-doctoral education includes: DEA d'imagerie médicale ; mémoire : Etude volumique du cartilage rotulien à partir d'acquisitions IRM (URA CNRS 1288): 1992 Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches: 1994; with Residency, fellowship and associate Professorship at University Hospital of Nancy: 1986-1995, Professor Blum has been recognized with the following honourary distinctions: Prix Fishgold (SFR): 1997, Prix Guerbet (SFR): 1991, 1er prix de de l'Association pour l'étude et la recherche en radiologie (A.P.E.R.R): 1991, Lauréat de la fondation BOURIEZ : 1991, Lauréat de l'Académie Nationale de Médecine (Prix Jansen) : 1991, Bourse Kodak (Prix Georges Haret) : 1991.
Keynote Highlights
With AIDR 3D, Toshiba has taken its dose reduction technology to the next level, allowing dose reduction to be easier and exams to be safer said Professor Alain Blum, chief of radiology, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, Nancy, France. "Using AIDR 3D, the dose with this type of acquisition remains below the diagnostic reference level. AIDR 3D is a fine solution to dramatically reduce X-ray dose and improve image quality." Professor Alain Blum, Chief of the MSK, CHU Central Hospital, Nancy, France presents "MSK dynamic joint imaging and the clinical impact of dynamic CT".