2014 International CT Symposium Webinars

The Impact of New CT Technology on Workflow

Ms. Kate Clough – Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS, UK

Ms. Kate Clough is the Principle Superintendent Radiographer for Vascular and Interventional Imaging at Bradford Royal Infirmary, part of the Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Ms. Clough is responsible for the supervision of the diagnostic imaging services of the Bradford Royal Infirmary which offers a comprehensive array of procedures for all modalities. Daytime routine activity is complimented by a comprehensive on-call service, linked to the tertiary referral centre of the Leeds Teaching Hospitals. Annually, the Bradford Royal Infirmary performs over 250,000 examinations (radiographic studies 123,000; Ultrasound 75,000; CT 18,100; MRI 7,800; Nuclear Medicine 500; Angiography 2,000; PET-CT 350).

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